The International Coalition for the Return of Ukrainian Children (the “Coalition”) was officially launched in Kyiv, Ukraine, on February 2, 2024

The Coalition will coordinate joint efforts and cooperation between Ukraine and partner states to address the issue of the unlawful deportation and forced transfer of Ukrainian children by the Russian Federation.

The Coalition is co-chaired by the Government of Ukraine and the Government of Canada and aims to bring Ukrainian children home to their families and communities. The Coalition will also focus efforts on supporting their reunification with families.


Coordination of Joint Efforts

Identifying, locating, and safely repatriating all illegally deported children to reunite them with their families and guardians in a secure environment.

Information Sharing

Building a comprehensive system of psychological support, therapy, education, and engaging leisure activities, facilitating the full reintegration and socialization of returning children.

Capacities alignment

Synchronizing the diverse capacities, expertise, and financial resources of Ukraine and partners to support the Coalition's work

Advocacy and Communication

Advance efforts to secure the release of children through awareness-raising meetings and in international forums via high-level diplomatic engagements.§
